How to Refer to ACC

The ACC Referral Process

The ACC Referral Process for Employers

Navigating the ACC referral process can be confusing for employers, but it can be straightforward with the right guidance. Follow these steps to ensure your employee receives the support they need for a smooth and timely recovery.

Step 1: An employee presents their employer with an ACC18 medical certificate AND is receiving weekly compensation following an injury 

Step 2: The employer needs to phone or email AIMs Referrals Coordinator to request the stay at work service.
             Email:     Phone: 027 733 2311

Step 3: The employer will be emailed an Internal Referral form for a Pre-approved Vocational Rehabilitation Service (or stay-at-work programme) for completion and emailed back to our lead provider – Proactive4health –

What Are The Next Steps To Supporting Your Employee Under ACC?

To support your employees under ACC, here is a brief overview of the process:
  1. The referral is received and allocated to a suitable AIM Clinician for an initial workplace assessment
  2. An assessment is conducted to gather injury information, determine recovery status, establish pre-injury duties, and create a gradual return to work plan. Your AIM Clinician may coordinate with allied health professionals if treatments are needed
  3. A Functional Injury Assessment is arranged with a physiotherapist to assess your employee’s capacity for work duties
  4. Company personnel, such as managers or team leaders, must be involved in providing input during the initial assessment and ongoing reviews
  5. Your AIM Clinician communicates with relevant company personnel regarding progress or any barriers to returning to work
  6. Functional Rehabilitation with a physiotherapist may be included if beneficial or necessary for regaining function
  7. The AIM Clinician can provide the employer and employee with a Return to Work plan that they can follow themselves, or can monitor the return to work progress.