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Office Safety Workshop

Office Safety Workshop

Elevate workplace wellbeing with our practical Office Safety Workshop. We empower individuals with essential knowledge on the physical risks associated in the office environment and guide them in taking proactive measures to safeguard their health and prevent discomfort and injuries. This workshop is a comprehensive, prevention-focused programme that ensures immediate results.


What is included in the Office Safety Workshop?
  • Engage in group discussions on office demands
  • Learn about how workstations can be set up for efficiency and comfort in the working environment in 45-60 minutes
  • Discover early discomfort reporting and self-responsibility
What will I take away from the Office Safety Workshop?
  • Master your workspace for comfort and wellbeing
  • Achieve a supported posture in your work setup
  • Embrace the importance of movement at work
  • How to prevent discomfort, pain or injury.
What sets this Office Safety workshop apart?
  • Empowers self-management for lasting change
  • Knowledge is applied directly to your workstation
  • Proactive impact on your wellbeing
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