Holiday Driving

First Move principles teach us how to use our bodies safely and effectively to avoid physical strain and injury. These principles apply in all aspects of our lives be it work, home, sport and recreation.


Many of us spend long periods driving.  The result often being a pain in the back, neck and shoulders. Being aware of these First Move tips will help keep you comfortable and injury free.

1. Listen to your body
  • Small changes make a big difference when you spend a long time in one position.
    If you feel discomfort make changes to you posture, seating and steering wheel set-up to improve your support and comfort.
2. Getting out of the car  

  • Toes follow nose
    To avoid any twisting stress on your lower back – move your legs and body together to make sure your toes face the same direction as your nose.
3. Hand position on steering wheel  
  • Power Position & Pinky Power 
    Thumb over top of the steering wheel brings the elbows down into the Power Position and weight onto the power side of the hand.  This grip avoids tension on the neck, upper back and shoulders.
4. Move often 
  •  The human body is designed to move 
    If you spend a long time sitting and then do something physical like getting suitcases, pitching a tent or getting a child from a car seat you are at risk of an injury.
    Stopping and stretching often will ensure you bring blood flow to your muscles and prevent the build-up of muscle tension.  This will improve your comfort and reduce the likelihood of injury.

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