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Spring Gardening
Angelina Marshall

Spring Gardening

This month's 'move tip' gives you useful reminders to keep yourself safe in the garden

First Move principles teach us how to use our bodies safely and effectively to avoid physical strain and injury. These principles apply in all aspects of our lives be it work, home, sport and recreation.  


This months' ‘move tip’ gives you useful reminders to keep yourself safe in the garden.


Spring is here – and many of us head out into our gardens again.  It’s great to be outside and important you are aware of your physical habits to ensure your gardening efforts don’t result in pain or injury. Planting, mowing, trimming, digging, weeding, fertilizing, moving planters and so much more.  


These gardening activities require so many physical actions.  Pushing, pulling, carrying, gripping, working above shoulder height, bending, lifting, twisting, reaching and kneeling.


Here are some First Move tips for some common gardening activities.  Apply these to all the gardening you do.



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